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Modern Diagnostic & Therapeutic Techniques in Equine Dentistry

  • Mälaren Hästklinik Sigtuna, Stockholms län, 193 91 Sweden (map)

Developed for practitioners with experience in the field of equine dentistry this course provides a comprehensive overview on diagnostic and therapeutic techniques through lectures and extensive wetlabs (7hrs, 2-3 vets per specimen) covering oral examination, radiography, motorized rasping, local anaesthetic techniques, periodontal therapies & incisor, canine and cheek tooth extraction techniques.

Rob Pascoe BVSc, BAEDT, Dipl.AVDC(Eq), MRCVS – Equine Dentistry Referrals, Kent, UK

Neil Townsend MSc, BVSc, CertES(Soft Tissue), Dipl.ECVS, Dipl.EVDC(Equine), MRCVS – Neil Townsend Equine Dentistry & Surgery Ltd, UK

Elke Pollaris MSc, PhD, Dipl.EVDC(Eq) – Veterinary Clinics de Morette and de Bosdreef, Belgium