Posts tagged UW Madison
Whitepaper: A Novel High-Quality Equine Standing CT Scanner: The Asto CT Equina

A new tool, Equina® (Asto CT, Middleton, WI), has been developed and specifically designed for a veterinarian to safely image a sedated standing horse in a natural load-bearing position solving some of the key barriers to equine CT imaging. In this paper, we provide a brief description of the key features of the Equina® system and describe how it can move us into a new equine standard-of-care.

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Whitepaper: Injury prevention in Thoroughbred racehorses using safe, high-quality standing CT imaging: The Equina® by Asto CT

The use of this advanced veterinary technology for early detection and management of musculoskeletal injuries can move us towards a new standard of care for Thoroughbred racehorses. In this paper, we provide a brief description of the key features of the Equina® system, and its use in pre-race screening.

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Equine Patients Deserve Better Than ‘Good Enough’: How the Equina® is Revolutionizing CT for Horses

On top of that, there were no true equine CT scanners on the market, and most clinicians had to be content with using what amounted to a human machine that was repurposed for equine use. But what if there was a better way? Why settle for only ‘good enough’?

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5 Most Common Limb Issues Identified by The Equina Standing CT

We went through our archives to display the five most common limb injuries and diseases identified by the Equina. The 1st most common limb issue identified by the Equina is Navicular Syndrome….

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